People who suffer from gastritis or ulcers

It is not recommended that the nut be consumed if you have ulcers as it is a known stomach irritant, the same as is chilli's, coffee, citrus etc. Eating healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and yoghurt will greatly benefit you if you suffer with ulcers.
Pregnant or nursing women

It is NOT recommended to use the nut while pregnant or breastfeeding. You are responsible for this precious new life that God has gifted to you.
People who are allergic

If you are allergic to Nuts, it would be best for you NOT to use the Weight loss seed. Although this is a natural product, many people are allergic to natural products such as seafood, corn, nuts, eggs, etc. If you are a highly allergic person it is not recommended that you use the product.
People recovering from illness or surgery

The nut should not be combined with any type of medication Medical treatment or other slimming treatment Do not combine the product with any medical treatment. Although we know that it can be combined with some, others can have consequences so it is best to be safe. Always check with your doctor when in doubt.
People over 60 and under 18
People who are allergic to antibiotics
People who suffer from any renal deficiency
Other considerations
- As with any chemical or natural treatment, if you display any intolerance to the product, stop immediately.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Keep the product in a cool place, free from excessive moisture and sealed.
- This natural product is not intended to be a drug.
- This product does not cure.
- Never take more than a quarter of a nut.
- This product is 100% natural and the responsibility of those who purchase and or consume it, i.e. conservation, dosage, use etc.
Chocolates and Alcohol neutralize the effect of the seed. if you know you are going to indulge skip the seed that day and continue the day after.
**Some people may experience specific intolerance or hyper sensitivity to this product, if so stop taking the seed immediately.